Top "Refactoring" questions

Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring existing code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.

FluentValidation NotEmpty and EmailAddress example

I am using FluentValidation with a login form. The email address field is Required and Must be a valid email …

c# validation refactoring fluentvalidation
Can eclipse extract a second class in class file to its own file

I often refactor code first by creating an inner class inside the class I'm working on--When I'm done, I move …

java eclipse refactoring
Generate Call-Tree from cscope database

I want to generate Full and Partially Call Trees from cscope database of c and c++ projects in Linux. The …

c refactoring code-analysis analysis cscope
Refactor Pro versus Visual Assist X for C++ Development

There are two major refactoring tools which can be installed for Visual Studio that provide C++ support. The full versions …

c++ visual-studio refactoring automated-refactoring
Unit testing: Is it a good practice to have assertions in setup methods?

In unit testing, the setup method is used to create the objects needed for testing. In those setup methods, I …

unit-testing refactoring fixtures assertions
Why Does This Maintainability Index Increase?

I would be appreciative if someone could explain to me the difference between the following two pieces of code in …

c# refactoring metrics code-metrics
Do you find cyclomatic complexity a useful measure?

I've been playing around with measuring the cyclomatic complexity of a big code base. Cyclomatic complexity is the number of …

refactoring metrics code-metrics cyclomatic-complexity
When does IDE0063 dispose?

I'm trying to understand this C# 8 simplification feature: IDE0063 'using' statement can be simplified For example, I have: void Method() { …

c# ide refactoring c#-8.0
Intellij Extract Inner Class

How does one who is using IntelliJ or Android Studio extract a public static inner class to create a new …

android-studio intellij-idea refactoring inner-classes
Refactoring Ruby on Rails i18n YAML files using dictionaries

This StackOverflow question gave me food for thought on what is a good structure for Rails i18n files, so …

ruby-on-rails internationalization refactoring structure yaml