Top "Refactoring" questions

Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring existing code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.

Is there a more modern, OO version of "Let's Build a Compiler"?

Is there a more modern, maybe object-oriented, equivalent to Jack Crenshaw's "Let's Build a Compiler" series? A while back I …

java compiler-construction oop refactoring recursion
C# way to write Func with void return

I have the following two functions, that are nearly identical, the only difference is that one uses func, the other …

c#-4.0 delegates refactoring action func
RxJS Refactor nested map statement

I have a service which uses @angular/http to load data from an API. I want to create a projection …

angular refactoring rxjs code-cleanup rxjs5
How do you refactor a large messy codebase?

I have a big mess of code. Admittedly, I wrote it myself - a year ago. It's not well commented …

language-agnostic oop refactoring
Number of parameters for a constructor

I have a class that needs 12 parameters to be passed to its constructor. So I think that there is something …

c++ design-patterns parameters refactoring constructor
Advice on working with legacy code

I need some advice on how to work with legacy code. A while ago, I was given the task to …

refactoring legacy-code