Top "Refactoring" questions

Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring existing code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.

What ReSharper 4+ live templates for C# do you use?

What ReSharper 4.0 templates for C# do you use? Let's share these in the following format: [Title] Optional description Shortcut: shortcut …

c# templates refactoring resharper
Java refactoring tools

Possible Duplicate: A tool like ReSharper, but for Java? I make very heavy use of the Java code refactoring tools …

java eclipse refactoring eclipse-jdt
What is the highest Cyclomatic Complexity of any function you maintain? And how would you go about refactoring it?

I was doing a little exploring of a legacy system I maintain, with NDepend (great tool check it out), the …

refactoring cyclomatic-complexity
One or more projects could not be loaded, but VS but doesn't say which

I have a fairly large solution with multiple subprojects (mostly C# with 1 or 2 C++ projects), each in its own folder. …

c# visual-studio-2008 refactoring solution csproj
"Generic" solution for primitive array?

I have classes that for processing primitive array input: CharArrayExtractor for char[], ByteArrayExtractor for byte[], IntegerArrayExtractor for int[], ... public void …

java arrays refactoring primitive-types
Best practices for turning jupyter notebooks into python scripts

Jupyter (iPython) notebook is deservedly known as a good tool for prototyping the code and doing all kinds of machine …

python refactoring ipython-notebook readability jupyter
Extract method to already existing interface with ReSharper

I'm adding a new method to a class that implements an interface, and I like to use the "Extract Interface" …

c# refactoring resharper
Is there a tool for refactoring SQL, a bit like a ReSharper for SQL

The sort of stuff I'm after right now is quite basic: Auto format Detect unused variables Variable naming convention checking …

sql sql-server refactoring
Base class implements INotifyPropertyChanged : can derived types use its PropertyChanged event?

EDIT From posters hints, I've found the following helpful links on MSDN: How to: Raise Base Class Events in Derived …

c# refactoring inotifypropertychanged
How often should you refactor?

I had a discussion a few weeks back with some co-workers on refactoring, and I seem to be in a …
