Top "Fixtures" questions

Fixtures are scopes used for running tests which isolate each test from global namespace pollution and side-effects from previous tests in order to avoid false positives and false negatives

Pass a parameter to a fixture function

I am using py.test to test some DLL code wrapped in a python class MyTester. For validating purpose I …

python fixtures pytest
What are fixtures in programming?

I have heard of this term many times (in the context of programming) but couldn't find any explanation of what …

fixtures ui-testing uitest test-fixture
How to create a fixture file

I want to create a fixture file in my Django project. How can I do this?

django fixtures
Problems with contenttypes when loading a fixture in Django

I am having trouble loading Django fixtures into my MySQL database because of contenttypes conflicts. First I tried dumping the …

mysql django django-models fixtures mysql-error-1062
Loading fixtures in django unit tests

I'm trying to start writing unit tests for django and I'm having some questions about fixtures: I made a fixture …

django unit-testing fixtures
Fixtures in RSpec

I'm new to using RSpec for writing tests in a Rails application which uses a MySQL database. I have defined …

ruby-on-rails rspec bdd fixtures
How and where does py.test find fixtures

Where and how does py.test look for fixtures? I have the same code in 2 files in the same folder. …

python fixtures pytest
Load and use fixture in rails console

I wonder if there's a way to load and/or use fixture in rails console. Actually, I'd like to create …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 fixtures irb
Rails Fixtures not loading with rspec

So, I'm trying to learn the rspec BDD testing framework in the context of a rails project. The problem I'm …

ruby-on-rails ruby testing rspec fixtures
@Patch decorator is not compatible with pytest fixture

I have encountered something mysterious, when using patch decorator from mock package integrated with pytest fixture. I have two modules: …

python mocking pytest fixtures