Cscope is a code searching application originally written for searching C code bases.
I am cross-compiling cscope, but suprised to be failed. However, I succeed to build ctags without error, so why does …
build cross-compiling ctags cscope openwrtI work on C++ projects, and I went through Alex Ott's guide to CEDET and other threads about tags in …
emacs cscope cedet gnu-globalI use cscope with vim. When doing large edits for several files, cscope will report old line numbers for changed …
vim cscopeEverytime after load a cscope.out in Vim, I need to change Vim's "pwd" to the same directory as cscope.…
vim cscopeIs there any utility or plugin which provides cscope like functionality for C++. I am looking for all references to …
vim cscope