Top "Recurrent-neural-network" questions

A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed cycle.

Error when checking model input: expected lstm_1_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (339732, 29)

My input is simply a csv file with 339732 rows and two columns : the first being 29 feature values, i.e. X …

python keras lstm recurrent-neural-network valueerror
Layer called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor keras

I'm trying to pass the output of one layer into two different layers and then join them back together. However, …

python neural-network keras recurrent-neural-network
What's the difference between a bidirectional LSTM and an LSTM?

Can someone please explain this? I know bidirectional LSTMs have a forward and backward pass but what is the advantage …

machine-learning neural-network keras lstm recurrent-neural-network
ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer lstm_13: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4

I am trying for multi-class classification and here are the details of my training input and output: train_input.shape= (1, 95000, 360) (95000 …

python keras lstm recurrent-neural-network
Many to one and many to many LSTM examples in Keras

I try to understand LSTMs and how to build them with Keras. I found out, that there are principally the 4 …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning keras recurrent-neural-network
How to deal with batches with variable-length sequences in TensorFlow?

I was trying to use an RNN (specifically, LSTM) for sequence prediction. However, I ran into an issue with variable …

python tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network
ValueError: Tensor must be from the same graph as Tensor with Bidirectinal RNN in Tensorflow

I'm doing text tagger using Bidirectional dynamic RNN in tensorflow. After maching input's dimension, I tried to run a Session. …

python tensorflow deep-learning recurrent-neural-network bidirectional
What's the difference between convolutional and recurrent neural networks?

I'm new to the topic of neural networks. I came across the two terms convolutional neural network and recurrent neural …

neural-network difference recurrent-neural-network
How do I create a variable-length input LSTM in Keras?

I am trying to do some vanilla pattern recognition with an LSTM using Keras to predict the next element in …

python-3.x keras lstm recurrent-neural-network variable-length
What is num_units in tensorflow BasicLSTMCell?

In MNIST LSTM examples, I don't understand what "hidden layer" means. Is it the imaginary-layer formed when you represent an …

tensorflow neural-network lstm recurrent-neural-network