Top "Variable-length" questions

Refers to anything whose length can vary

Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?

I haven't used C very much in the last few years. When I read this question today I came across …

c++ arrays standards variable-length-array variable-length
len() of a numpy array in python

If I use len(np.array([[2,3,1,0], [2,3,1,0], [3,2,1,1]])), I get back 3. Why is there no argument for len() about which axis I …

python numpy multidimensional-array variable-length
javascript object max size limit

I'm trying to pass a JavaScript variable to the server-side using jquery.ajax method. I'm trying to create a json …

javascript variable-length
Object of type 'map' has no len() in Python 3

I have a problem with Python 3. I got Python 2.7 code and at the moment I am trying to update it. …

python python-3.x variable-length
How to find the length of a "filter" object in python

>>> n = [1,2,3,4] >>> filter(lambda x:x>3,n) <filter object at 0x0000000002FDBBA8> &…

python-3.x filter variable-length
Matrix of unknown length in MATLAB?

I'm trying to set up a zero matrix of variable length with two columns into which I can output the …

matlab matrix variable-length
When to use type.length-1; and type.length(); in java

I'm little bit confused when do I really need to use that length-1. I know that is when we don't …

java variable-length
Finding whether a string starts with one of a list's variable-length prefixes

I need to find out whether a name starts with any of a list's prefixes and then remove it, like: …

python string variable-length prefixes
How do I create a variable-length input LSTM in Keras?

I am trying to do some vanilla pattern recognition with an LSTM using Keras to predict the next element in …

python-3.x keras lstm recurrent-neural-network variable-length
Two-dimensional variable-length array in Cobol

How do you go about defining a two-dimensional MxN array in Cobol of which both M and N are of …

arrays cobol variable-length