Top "Recurrent-neural-network" questions

A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed cycle.

Regularization for LSTM in tensorflow

Tensorflow offers a nice LSTM wrapper. rnn_cell.BasicLSTM(num_units, forget_bias=1.0, input_size=None, state_is_tuple=False, …

neural-network tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network
In tensorflow, how to iterate over a sequence of inputs stored in a tensor?

I am trying RNN on a variable length multivariate sequence classification problem. I have defined following function to get the …

python tensorflow recurrent-neural-network gated-recurrent-unit
Minimal RNN example in tensorflow

Trying to implement a minimal toy RNN example in tensorflow. The goal is to learn a mapping from the input …

tensorflow recurrent-neural-network
Tensorflow: What are the "output_node_names" for in the model_with_buckets model?

I trained a tf.nn.seq2seq.model_with_buckets with seq2seq = tf.nn.seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2…

tensorflow recurrent-neural-network
TensorFlow Embedding Lookup

I am trying to learn how to build RNN for Speech Recognition using TensorFlow. As a start, I wanted to …

tensorflow word2vec recurrent-neural-network language-model
ValueError: The two structures don't have the same number of elements

with tf.variable_scope('forward'): cell_img_fwd = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(hidden_state_size, hidden_state_size) img_…

tensorflow recurrent-neural-network gated-recurrent-unit
Difference between 1 LSTM with num_layers = 2 and 2 LSTMs in pytorch

I am new to deep learning and currently working on using LSTMs for language modeling. I was looking at the …

deep-learning lstm recurrent-neural-network pytorch
How to update weights manually with Keras

I'm using Keras to build a LSTM and tuning it by doing gradient descent with an external cost function. So …

python performance keras recurrent-neural-network reinforcement-learning
Tensorflow dynamic RNN (LSTM): how to format input?

I have been given some data of this format and the following details: person1, day1, feature1, feature2, ..., featureN, label person1, …

python tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network tflearn
Shuffling training data with LSTM RNN

Since an LSTM RNN uses previous events to predict current sequences, why do we shuffle the training data? Don't we …

machine-learning keras lstm recurrent-neural-network