Top "Valueerror" questions

Must be used only when 'ValueError' is raised.

sklearn error ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')

I am using sklearn and having a problem with the affinity propagation. I have built an input matrix and I …

python python-2.7 scikit-learn valueerror
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape

I am using the SciPy's pearsonr(x,y) method and I cannot figure out why the following error is happening: …

python valueerror pearson
ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution

I'm trying to do this: h = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2] Y = np.convolve(Y, h, "same") Y looks like this: While doing this I …

python numpy convolution valueerror
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (1, 6), indices imply (6, 6)

I am passing a list from flask function to another function, and getting this value error. My code at sending …

python pandas flask valueerror
Error when checking model input: expected lstm_1_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (339732, 29)

My input is simply a csv file with 339732 rows and two columns : the first being 29 feature values, i.e. X …

python keras lstm recurrent-neural-network valueerror
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '196.41'

I don't understand why it works with different scenarios, but not with this one. Basically, some gentleman helped me out …

python web-scraping beautifulsoup data-science valueerror
how to resolve this ValueError: only 2 non-keyword arguments accepted sklearn python

hello i am new to sklearn in python and iam trying to learn it and use this module to predict …

python-3.x scikit-learn valueerror
ValueError: Unknown label type: 'continuous'

I've seen other posts talking about this but anyone of these can help me. I am using jupyter notebook with …

python pandas numpy scikit-learn valueerror
ValueError: Invalid file path or buffer object type: <class 'tkinter.StringVar'>

Here is a simplified version of some code that I have. In the first frame, the user selects a csv …

python csv tkinter openfiledialog valueerror