Top "Prometheus" questions

The Prometheus monitoring system, including the server, alertmanager, push gateway, exporters, client libraries and other components.

Sending metrics from telegraf to prometheus

I'm running prometheus and telegraf on the same host. I'm using a few inputs plugins: inputs.cpu inputs.ntpq I've …

monitoring prometheus telegraf
Alert if a docker container stops

I'm monitoring several containers using Prometheus, cAdvisor and Prometheus Alertmanager. What I want is to get an alert if a …

prometheus cadvisor
Grafana - use custom variable as regex in query

we have prometheus datasource and I’m stuck at trying to use custom variable with few values as comma separated …

grafana prometheus grafana-templating
How to push metrics with Python and Prometheus Pushgateway

I wish to push a multi-labeled metric into Prometheus using the Pushgateway. The documentation offer a curl example but I …

python prometheus prometheus-pushgateway
Prometheus-Grafana : How to use wildcard in query

I have below labels in prometheus, how to create wildcard query while templating something like “query”: “label_values(application_*Count_…

prometheus grafana microprofile
How would I graph cpu usage in grafana using Prometheus and the collectd exporter?

New to promql and I'm trying to graph cpu usage over time and I've found the following example getting a …

grafana prometheus collectd promql
How to ping targets using blackbox_exporter with prometheus

I'm trying to ping a list of targets using blackbox_exporter with prometheus but I seem to only be able …

prometheus prometheus-blackbox-exporter
Getting error "Get http://localhost:9443/metrics: dial tcp connect: connection refused"

I'm trying to configure Prometheus and Grafana with my Hyperledger fabric v1.4 network to analyze the peer and chaincode mertics. …

docker hyperledger-fabric prometheus
increase() in Prometheus sometimes doubles values: how to avoid?

I've found that for some graphs I get doubles values from Prometheus where should be just ones: Query I use: …

Prometheus queries to get CPU and Memory usage in kubernetes pods

I need to get CPU and Memory usage in kubernetes pods with prometheus queries. Can someone plz help?

kubernetes grafana prometheus promql