Top "Prometheus" questions

The Prometheus monitoring system, including the server, alertmanager, push gateway, exporters, client libraries and other components.

How to silence Prometheus Alertmanager using config files?

I'm using the official stable/prometheus-operator chart do deploy Prometheus with helm. It's working good so far, except for the …

kubernetes prometheus prometheus-alertmanager prometheus-operator
Generating range vectors from return values in Prometheus queries

I have a metric varnish_main_client_req of type counter and I want to set up an alert that …

Measure service latency with prometheus

I am new to prometheus and grafana... My primary goal is to get the response time per request. For me …

monitoring latency grafana summary prometheus
Grafana Legend format :9100 removal

I have ":9100" showing up at the end of my metrics. I am using a prometheus datasource with my company and …

grafana prometheus grafana-templating
Is there a way to monitor kube cron jobs using prometheus

Is there a way to monitor kube cronjob. I have a kube cronjob which runs every 10mins on my cluster.. …

kubernetes prometheus
How to use the selected period of time in a query?

I'm using Grafana with Prometheus and I'd like to build a query that depends on the selected period of time …

grafana prometheus promql grafana-templating
scrape interval and evaluation interval in prometheus

My scrape interval and evaluation interval are way off from each other as whown below (15s vs 4m). When I …

prometheus prometheus-alertmanager
Get total and free disk space using Prometheus

I try to get Total and Free disk space on my Kubernetes VM so I can display % of taken space …

kubernetes grafana prometheus
Prometheus export / import data for backup

How do you export and import data in Prometheus? How do you make sure the data is backed up if …

backup monitoring prometheus
How do I tell Prometheus' Alertmanager to send email through Gmail's SMTP server

I would like Prometheus to send emails from a Gmail (Gapps) account when metrics cross certain thresholds. In the Alertmanager …

smtp gmail smtp-auth prometheus