The Prometheus monitoring system, including the server, alertmanager, push gateway, exporters, client libraries and other components.
Prometheus is built around returning a time series representation of metrics. In many cases, however, I only care about what …
prometheusI want to count number of unique label values. Kind of like select count (distinct a) from hello_info For …
grafana prometheusElasticSearch is a document store and more of a search engine, I think ElasticSearch is not good choice for monitoring …
elasticsearch docker prometheusBecause Prometheus topk returns more results than expected, and because requires client-side processing that …
grafana prometheusI'm attracted to prometheus by the histogram (and summaries) time-series, but I've been unsuccessful to display a histogram in either …
histogram grafana prometheusI have prometheus configuration with many jobs where i am scraping metrics over http. But I have one job where …
monitoring prometheusI have job definition as follows: - job_name: 'test-name' static_configs: - targets: [ '', '', '' ] …
prometheusEvery instance of my application has a different URL. How can I configure prometheus.yml so that it takes path …
prometheusI am scraping the kubernetes metrics from prometheus and would need to extract the number of running pods. I can …
kubernetes grafana prometheus cadvisorI am using Prometheus to instrument a Node.js application for monitoring. I am currently using the following Node.js …
json node.js monitoring prometheus