Top "Cadvisor" questions

Google cAdvisor (Container Advisor) provides container users an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers.

How to get number of pods running in prometheus

I am scraping the kubernetes metrics from prometheus and would need to extract the number of running pods. I can …

kubernetes grafana prometheus cadvisor
How can I alert for container restarted?

I like to monitor the containers using Prometheus and cAdvisor so that when a container restart, I get an alert. …

prometheus cadvisor
Alert if a docker container stops

I'm monitoring several containers using Prometheus, cAdvisor and Prometheus Alertmanager. What I want is to get an alert if a …

prometheus cadvisor
Prometheus - Target Connection refused

I'm trying to get a Prometheus container to scrape metrics from cAdvisor. This is my prometheus.yml: global: scrape_interval: 10…

docker docker-compose monitoring prometheus cadvisor
How to monitor java application memory usage in Docker

I run the java web application on tomcat in the Docker container. Is there any way to monitor the memory …

memory jvm docker monitoring cadvisor
Memory usage discrepancy: cgroup memory.usage_in_bytes vs. RSS inside docker container

"Kubernetes" (v1.10.2) says that my pod (which contains one container) is using about 5GB memory. Inside the container, RSS is …

docker memory kubernetes cgroups cadvisor
Docker - Prometheus container dies immediately

I have cadvisor running with port mapping 4000:8080 and I have to link it with a container with prometheus. My prometheus.…

docker containers prometheus cadvisor