Top "Prometheus" questions

The Prometheus monitoring system, including the server, alertmanager, push gateway, exporters, client libraries and other components.

Get Total requests in a period of time

I need to show, in Grafana, a panel with the number of requests in the period of time selected in …

prometheus promql
How to calculate containers' cpu usage in kubernetes with prometheus as monitoring?

I want to calculate the cpu usage of all pods in a kubernetes cluster. I found two metrics in prometheus …

kubernetes prometheus
Prometheus - Convert cpu_user_seconds to CPU Usage %?

I'm monitoring docker containers via My problem is that I'm just getting cpu_user_seconds_total or cpu_…

performance performance-testing cpu-usage prometheus
What's the difference between Prometheus and Zabbix?

Just as the title said, can you tell me the differences between Prometheus and Zabbix?

zabbix prometheus
Usecases: InfluxDB vs. Prometheus

Following the Prometheus webpage one main difference between Prometheus and InfluxDB is the usecase: while Prometheus stores time series only …

database influxdb prometheus
How do I write a Prometheus query that returns the value of a label?

I'm making a Grafana dashboard and want a panel that reports the latest version of our app. The version is …

grafana prometheus
How can I group labels in a Prometheus query?

If I have a metric with the following labels: my_metric{group="group a"} 100 my_metric{group="group b"} 100 my_…

prometheus promql
How can I 'join' two metrics in a Prometheus query?

I am using the consul exporter to ingest the health and status of my services into Prometheus. I'd like to …

monitoring consul prometheus
How can I make a Grafana template with a variable reference another variable using Prometheus as a datasource?

I have a Grafana dashboard with template variables for services and instances. When I select a service how can I …

grafana prometheus
Multiple Targets on prometheus

I've configured prometheus on Centos, version details are follows. prometheus-2.5.0.linux-386 I've added two targets on the prometheus.yml configuration …

prometheus prometheus-alertmanager prometheus-node-exporter