Top "Consul" questions

Consul is a tool for discovering and configuring services in the infrastructure.

How can I 'join' two metrics in a Prometheus query?

I am using the consul exporter to ingest the health and status of my services into Prometheus. I'd like to …

monitoring consul prometheus
Recovering from Consul "No Cluster leader" state

I have: one mesos-master in which I configured a consul server; one mesos-slave in which I configure consul client, and; …

mesos consul
Different ports used by consul

What are the different ports used by consul? What is the purpose of each port? Is there any way to …

ports consul
Dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused in consul

I am getting this error when I am running any "consul members" on consul server and clients. The port is …

tcp consul getsockopt
How to access externally to consul UI

How can I access to consul UI externally? I want to access consul UI writing <ANY_MASTER_OR_SLAVE_…

Kubernetes - Container image already present on machine

So I have 2 similar deployments on k8s that pulls the same image from GitLab. Apparently this resulted in my …

docker kubernetes apache-kafka gitlab consul
How to define optional variables in Terraform with default values defined in Consul

I have a Terraform script with some variables populated from Consul. I want to use this script in two different …

terraform consul
Docker container with status "Dead" after consul healthcheck runs

I am using consul's healthcheck feature, and I keep getting these these "dead" containers: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS …

docker consul
How to reset or "un-initialize" vault?

I'm trying to automate vault v0.8.0 deployment (vaultproject from Hashicorp) with a consul v0.9.1 backend. Because it is a trial …

consul hashicorp-vault
Does Consul persist the Key Value store?

I'm evaluating a few distributed key-value stores, and etcd and Consul looks both very promising. I am interested in service …

persistence key-value consul