Top "Consul" questions

Consul is a tool for discovering and configuring services in the infrastructure.

Relabeling in Prometheus

Setup Prometheus node exporter is registered as a service with consul agent with various tags. Example service definition provided to …

monitoring consul prometheus
spring-boot client unable to start with consul

I have setup and run consul using docker on my system using following command: sudo docker run -p 8500:8500 consul:0.9.2 Consul …

spring spring-boot microservices consul spring-cloud-consul
How to self register a service with Consul

I'm trying to self register my ASP.NET Core application to Consul registry on startup and deregister it on shutdown. …

c# microservices consul
How to use Consul in leader election?

How do I use Consul to make sure only one service is performing a task? I've followed the examples in …

reverse dns lookup with consul and dnsmasq

I've setup consul ( and dnsmasq so that I can have my own internal dns resolution. I have …

dns dnsmasq consul
ASP.NET Core 2.1 get current web hostname and port in Startup.cs

I want to register my WebAPI to Consul service discovery and for that I should provide URL of my WebAPI (…

c# consul
How does a Consul agent know it is the leader of a cluster?

In Consul you can have many agents as servers or clients. Amongst all servers one is chosen as the leader. …

Spring boot Get properties from consul server

I have a spring boot application and I would like to get properties that I have on a consul agent. @…

spring spring-boot consul spring-cloud-consul
Remove dead services from Consul

We have a number of Spring Boot applications that register themselves with Consul (via Spring Cloud Consul). If I stop …

consul spring-cloud-consul
Consul-template if else condition

I have below consul-template. {{ range service "mysql_slave.mysql" "any" }} host_name {{.Node}} command check_nrpe!check_procs_1 {{end}} I …

if-statement puppet consul consul-template