I want to register my WebAPI to Consul service discovery and for that I should provide URL of my WebAPI (for example: http://service1.com) and health check endpoint (http://service1.com/health/check). How can I get that URL?
I found this piece of code:
var features = app.Properties["server.Features"] as FeatureCollection;
var addresses = features.Get<IServerAddressesFeature>();
var address = addresses.Addresses.First();
var uri = new Uri(address);
It returns instead of localhost:5600. I think first one used by dotnet.exe and second one is IIS which forwards 5600 to 16478. How can I get localhost:5600 in Startup.cs?
I don't think it is possible since there is usually a reverse proxy in production that handles public address and the application itself should not be exposed to public and, therefore, be aware of public address. But there can be some workarounds: