Top "Hyperledger-fabric" questions

Hyperledger Fabric is an implementation of blockchain technology.

exec: "gcc": executable file not found in %PATH% when trying go build

I am using Windows 10. When I tried to build Chaincode it reported this error #…

windows go build hyperledger-fabric cgo
peer channel creation fails in Hyperledger Fabric

I am trying to set up a sample hyperledger fabric environment with an orderer and 2 peers. I am not using …

hyperledger hyperledger-fabric
ERROR: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest not found

I am trying to start up network using following command ./ up channel After running this command I …

docker docker-compose blockchain hyperledger hyperledger-fabric
Difference between hyperledger composer and hyperledger fabric?

I am java developer and new to hyperledger. I am interested in learning it and need to know where to …

hyperledger hyperledger-fabric hyperledger-composer
How can I set up hyperledger fabric with multiple hosts using Docker?

I work on the Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 and would like to make the Getting Setup work on multiple hosts. For …

hyperledger hyperledger-fabric
Hyperledger Java SDK working example

I am currently digging into Hyperledger Fabric and I can't get stuff started with the Java SDK (talking about 1.0.0-beta …

java hyperledger-fabric
What's the difference between Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth?

Both Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Sawtooth are platforms for building distributed ledger applications, supporting pluggable consensus mechanisms and smart contracts (…

blockchain hyperledger-fabric hyperledger
How do I resolve the error on hyperledger fabric?

While trying to follow tutorial on building your first network I've got following output: $ ./ -m generate Generating certs …

Error: got unexpected status: FORBIDDEN -- Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining: permission denied

My fabric version is 1.1.0-preview, the peer, orderer, configtxgen is newly generated. when I execute the configtxgen tool: configtxgen -profile …

Error when try to instantiate chain-code on Hyperledger Fabric

I was trying to create a custom business network based on the specification described here:…

hyperledger-fabric hyperledger