A projection is the transformation of a set of data from one form into another.
I've been looking around a bit and can't seem to find just what I"m looking for. I've found "canonical …
math graphics projection orthogonalI am trying to change or assign the projection of a Germany-Shapefile from NA to +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_…
r projection shapefile spI calibrated my mono camera using opencv. Now I know the camera intrinsic matrix and distortion coefs [K1, K2, P1 ,…
opencv camera computer-vision projection camera-calibrationSo basically I've made a program using OpenGL which can perform 3D Ray Picking. If the Camera View Direction Ray …
opengl vector 3d projection ray-pickingI have an issue with grails criteria builder, I want to do a projection on a column that is on …
grails alias projection criteria-apiSpring Data REST automates exposing only domain object. But most often we have to deal with Data Transfer Objects. So …
spring spring-data-rest projection dtoI am confused about perspective projection. Here is the scenario that is confusing me. My frustrum's front plane is basically …
opengl projection perspectivesuppose in an entity there are attributes id, username, age, address. Now I just want id and username and I …
nhibernate projection resulttransformerGiven: A 3D mesh defined with a set of vertices and triangles building up the mesh with these points. Problem: …
math 3d geometry projectionI wish to determine the 2D screen coordinates (x,y) of points in 3D space (x,y,z). The points …
java opengl projection