Top "Projection" questions

A projection is the transformation of a set of data from one form into another.

How do I methodically choose the near clip plane distance for a perspective projection?

I have a 3D scene and a camera defined using gluPerspective. I have a fixed FOV, and I know the …

3d opengl-es-2.0 webgl projection
CreateCriteria with projections does not select all columns

My Question is exactly like Grails Projections not returning all properties and not grouped I have a following criteria def …

grails projection createcriteria
Projection of a plane onto a cylinder

I have a plain bitmap and I want to do a projection on a cylinder. That means, I want to …

algorithm image-processing projection
Why does OpenGL have a far clipping plane, and what idioms are used to deal with this?

I've been learning OpenGL, and the one topic that continues to baffle me is the far clipping plane. While I …

opengl graphics 3d render projection
How to project a spherical map onto a sphere / cube: "Equirectangular to cubic"

UPDATE: I found that, , has an implementation in java. Anyone who has something similar …

c++ opencv geometry projection panoramas
square to trapezoid

I know that transforming a square into a trapezoid is a linear transformation, and can be done using the projective …

matrix transform linear-algebra projection perspective
Clip matrix for 3D Perspective Projection

I am trying to create a simple 3D graphics engine and have found and used the equations I found here: …

graphics 3d matrix projection clip
Why Projection Operator in relational algebra eliminates duplicates?

What are the consequences of eliminating duplicates in Projection Operator?And yes, why there is no duplicate elimination in real …

sql select relational-database projection relation
How to use NHibernate Projections to retrieve a collection

I am lazy loading the collections, and also because there are so many fields within the person table, I am …

c# linq nhibernate lazy-loading projection
How to filter fields from a mongo document with the official mongo-go-driver

How can I filter fields with the mongo-go-driver. Tried it with findopt.Projection but no success. type fields struct { _id …

mongodb go struct projection mongo-go