Top "Projection" questions

A projection is the transformation of a set of data from one form into another.

How to convert spherical coordinates to equirectangular projection coordinates?

Simplified question How do you convert a spherical coordinate (θ, φ) into a position (x, y) on an equirectangular projection (also called …

image-processing camera coordinates projection coordinate-systems
Grails: Projection on many tables?

I have some problems with projection in Grails. Could you please help me review them and suggest solutions for me? …

grails criteria gorm projection
How to deduce the return type of a function object from parameters list?

I'm trying to write a projection function that could transform a vector<T> into a vector<R&…

c++ templates visual-c++ projection visual-c++-2013
How exactly does OpenGL do perspectively correct linear interpolation?

If linear interpolation happens during the rasterization stage in the OpenGL pipeline, and the vertices have already been transformed to …

opengl graphics projection fragment-shader linear-interpolation
MongoDB - Projecting a field that doesn't always exist

Is there a way to project fields that may or may not exist? Such as having it defined as null …

mongodb projection
How do I correctly use EF Core with AutoMapper ProjectTo and Unions?

My Setup ASP.NET Core 2.0 EntityFrameworkCore 2.0.1 AutoMapper 6.2.2 Problem I have a project with a DTO called PersonDetail and an Entity …

automapper union projection ef-core-2.0
Projecting a 3D point to 2D screen space using a perspective camera matrix

I am attempting to project a series of 3D points onto the screen using a perspective camera matrix. I do …

3d matrix camera projection perspective
What is a Projection in NHibernate?

I have a project where I'm using NHibernate to handle bindings to the database. So far I have mostly been …

.net nhibernate projection
How do I apply a projection to a Spring Data REST query method resource?

I'm using Spring Data REST 2.1.4.RELEASE. I created an entity Booking, its REST repository (extending CrudRepository) named BookingRepository and a …

java spring rest projection spring-data-rest
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Projection type must be an interface" Error

I am having difficulty in implementing projection in Spring Data JPA: 2017-10-19 11:31:33.968 ERROR 4272 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] o.a.c.…

spring annotations spring-data-jpa projection