Top "Particles" questions

Particle in computer graphics usually refers to the small, simple images or 3D models (meshes) that are governed by and make up a particle system, usually used to depict a fuzzy object (e.g. fire, smoke, glowing trail left behind by a meteor).

Particles.js as a background?

I'm trying to use this example as a background but I can't seem to get it to work. http://vincentgarreau.…

javascript html css particles
Cannot read property 'getElementsByClassName' of null

I am not sure why I'm getting this javascript error. Having a hard time figuring this one out. Here's my …

javascript particles
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null

In my console I get the error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null" and I just can't find …

javascript particles
Particle System libGDX

Can anyone give me a good example of where to start with making a particle system in libGDX? I have …

java android libgdx particles particle-system
particle effects?

I want to achieve particle effect when an object is found. I have relative Layout on which I have many …

android particles
Rendering fire in OpenGL

I want to render a fire effect in OpenGL based on a particle simulation. I have hundreds of particles which …

c++ opengl graphics glut particles
Can Someone Give Me A Simple COcos2d-X Particle Example?

I just want to make a CCParticleExplsion using Cocos2d-x and C++, but can't seem to find it after searching …

cocos2d-x particles ccparticlesystem
Particle Engine - XNA/C#

I'm looking for a particle engine for a XNA game? Is there a good/actively maintained library available? (Open Source …

c# xna particles
How do you stop a particle effect? (SKEmitterNode)

I currently have this code in a collide statement where if collide with object then this particle happens but how …

sprite-kit particles skemitternode
particles.js not covering entire page

I'm trying to use particles.js as background, but I am not able to set the canvas as a full-size …

javascript html css particles particles.js