Top "Output" questions

The externally observable consequences of calling a program on some input

How to use R's sprintf to create fixed width strings with fill whitespace at the END?

I have vector of strings and want to create a fixed with string out of that. Shorter strings should be …

r formatting output printf
Parsing pexpect output

I'm trying to parse in real time the output of a program block-buffered, which means that output is not available …

python parsing subprocess output pexpect
cmp command returning EOF on my output despite exact match as far as i can tell

So I will start by saying this is for a course and I assume the professor won't really care that …

c unix compare output cmp
Send a text string containing double quotes to function

I'm having a problem with using double quotes while formatting text strings being sent to functions in R. Consider an …

r string-formatting double-quotes output
How to display a fixed number of digits in C++ without rounding

I have this code (very basic): #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { float …

c++ output decimal-point
nmap output Failed to open normal output file n for writing

when I execute using zenmap command, I get the error, Failed to open normal output file n for writing QUITTING! …

file text output nmap
How to get the output of a spawned child_process in Node.JS?

First of all, I'm a complete noob and started using Node.JS yesterday (it was also my first time using …

node.js shell output child-process spawn
What does an integer that has zero in front of it mean and how can I print it?

class test{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a = 011; System.out.println(a); } } Why I am getting 9 as output …

java int output zero println
Retain feature names after Scikit Feature Selection

After running a Variance Threshold from Scikit-Learn on a set of data, it removes a couple of features. I feel …

python pandas scikit-learn output feature-selection
Redirect stdout and stderr to the same file and restore it

I am redirecting the output of stderr and stdout of my c program to two files and then restoring the …

c redirect stdout output stderr