Top "Child-process" questions

For questions regarding child-process

How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

When I get the following error: events.js:72 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: spawn ENOENT at errnoException (child_process.…

node.js debugging error-handling child-process spawn
How to get child process from parent process

Is it possible to get the child process id from parent process id in shell script? I have a file …

linux shell process child-process
Use child_process.execSync but keep output in console

I'd like to use the execSync method which was added in NodeJS 0.12 but still have the output in the console …

node.js child-process
Multiple child process

can someone help me about how to create multiple child processes which have the same parent in order to do "…

c fork child-process
How to kill childprocess in nodejs?

Created a childprocess using shelljs !/usr/bin/env node require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/shelljs/global'); fs = require("…

node.js shell child-process
Nodejs Child Process: write to stdin from an already initialised process

I am trying to spawn an external process phantomjs using node's child_process and then send information to that process …

node.js stdin phantomjs external-process child-process
NodeJs child_process working directory

I am trying to execute a child process in a different directory then the one of its parent. var exec = …

javascript node.js child-process working-directory
How to wait for a child process to finish in Node.js?

I'm running a Python script through a child process in Node.js, like this: require('child_process').exec('python celulas.…

node.js child-process
Launch a completely independent process

I want to initiate a process from my python script Specifically, I want to run the below command: `…

python python-2.7 subprocess fork child-process
Running a shell command from Node.js without buffering output

I'm trying to launch a shell command from Node.js, without redirecting that command's input and output -- just like …

node.js child-process