Top "Child-process" questions

For questions regarding child-process

How can I make Perl wait for child processes started in the background with system()?

I have some Perl code that executes a shell script for multiple parameters, to simplify, I'll just assume that I …

linux perl wait child-process
Supervisord - Redirect process stdout to console

I am planning to run multiple processes using supervisor and please find my supervisord.conf file below: [supervisord] [program:bash] …

linux supervisord child-process
kill all child_process when node process is killed

How do i make sure all child_process are killed when the parent process is killed. I have something like …

node.js cluster-computing child-process
Start another node application using node.js?

I have two separate node applications. I'd like one of them to be able to start the other one at …

javascript node.js child-process
EPIPE error in Node.js

The following code run fine on JPEG, Docx, zip and several other file formats. Then I try is on mpg-filer …

node.js child-process epipe
Is the try-catch-finally block synchronous in node.js?

I have some code runing in a child process in a node program like so: try{ var data = fs.readFileSync(…

node.js asynchronous try-catch child-process
Difference b/w event.on() and event.once() in nodejs

I'm testing the plus_one app, and while running it, I just wanted to clarify my concepts on event.once() …

node.js child-process eventemitter
Find all child processes of my own .NET process / find out if a given process is a child of my own?

I have a .NET class library that spins up a secondary process which is kept running until I dispose of …

.net process child-process
Difference between ChildProcess close, exit events

When spawning child processes via spawn()/exec()/... in Node.js, there is a 'close' and an 'exit' event on child …

node.js event-handling child-process
How to catch an ENOENT with nodejs child_process.spawn?

I am using spawn to spawn a long running process that sends output over time to stdio, and is read …

node.js child-process