Top "Output" questions

The externally observable consequences of calling a program on some input

Logging user-data Script Output on EC2 Instances on windows

I'm trying to get the ec2 "user-data" script logs and direct them to system log on windows. On linux, someone …

windows amazon-ec2 output user-data
How to show output in console when writing an RMarkdown notebook?

I have a simple question, and I think I'm just not looking in the right place, or RStudio is not …

r console output r-markdown
Capture output from ssh with expect script

I want to capture the output of my expect script in a file.txt. #!/usr/bin/expect -f match_max 10000 …

ssh output send expect cisco
PHP cli script does not output anything

So I have a php script which I execute using the following command: php -f my_script.php myArguments The …

php output command-line-interface
Capture output from git command?

I am writing a script to automate setting up new projects for me. this includes pulling down a github repository. …

bash capture output
Angular pass data from child to parent

I'm learning/working on Angular project, I've done a lot and I try to do the things "right way", so …

angular typescript output event-listener childviews
How can I force a compile error in C++?

I would like to create a compile-time error in my C++ code with a custom error message. I want to …

c++ debugging compilation compiler-errors output
No output from PHP interactive on Windows

I'm running php interactively from xampp (5.4.7) on my Win 7 machine and cannot get any output from the window. I searched …

php windows-7 command-line-interface output
What is 'YTowOnt9'?

Our (PHP) framework sometimes renders hidden inputs with value YTowOnt9. I can't find that string anywhere in the (huge) codebase, …

php html output
Visual Studio Express 2013: Program output in unit tests (console, debug etc.)

I'm really banging my head against the wall here. Is it so hard to get program output in Visual Studio (…

c# unit-testing visual-studio-2013 output visual-studio-express