Top "Opengl-es-2.0" questions

Subset of the OpenGL 3D graphics API designed for embedded devices such as mobile phones.

OpenGL ES 2.0 vs OpenGL 3 - Similarities and Differences

From what I've read, it appears that OpenGL ES 2.0 isn't anything like OpenGL 2.1, which is what I assumed from before. …

android c++ opengl-es desktop-application opengl-es-2.0
OpenGL ES 2.0 Support for Android?

Does the Android emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0? I've seen some people say "Yes, but you have to change a few …

android-emulator opengl-es-2.0
OpenGL ES 2.0 Multiple Programs or Multiple Shaders or what? How does it work?

The Problem (TL;DR) My problem, fundamentally, is that I do not know how OpenGL ES 2.0 expects me to write …

android opengl-es-2.0 shader
Clipping-planes in OpenGL ES 2.0

I need to clip a few hundred objects under a clipping plane in OpenGL ES 2.0 and would appreciate ideas from …

opengl-es glsl shader opengl-es-2.0 clipping
Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates

I'm building an Android application that uses OpenGL ES 2.0 and I've run into a wall. I'm trying to convert screen …

android opengl-es-2.0 coordinate-transformation
OpenGL ES 2.0 debugging

So, I have an OpenGL ES 2.0 app. It compiles and runs in the iPhone/iPad simulators, on a real iPhone/…

debugging opengl-es-2.0
Choose OpenGL ES 1.1 or OpenGL ES 2.0?

I'm going to start a new cross-plattform openGL project (primary for iPhone & PC). So theres the main question: targeting …

iphone opengl-es cross-platform opengl-es-2.0
Simple GLSL convolution shader is atrociously slow

I'm trying to implement a 2D outline shader in OpenGL ES2.0 for iOS. It is insanely slow. As in 5fps …

opengl-es filter opengl-es-2.0 glsl convolution
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) not working on Android 2.3.3, using GLES20

On Android, I'm trying to get a simple OpenGL ES 2.0 application running, which uses a vertex buffer object, but I …

android opengl-es-2.0 shader vbo
Perspective correct texturing of trapezoid in OpenGL ES 2.0

I have drawn a textured trapezoid, however the result does not appear as I had intended. Instead of appearing as …

opengl-es opengl-es-2.0