Top "Observable" questions

An observable is typically a programming construct that can be "watched" by other parts of the code, called the "observers". Different frameworks and programming languages have different implementations for observables, so this tag should typically be used in conjunction with others.

RxJS Angular2 handling 404 in Observable.forkjoin

I'm currently chaining a bunch of http requests, however I am having trouble handling 404 errors before subscribing. My code: in …

http angular observable rxjs fork-join
How to unit test code inside subscribe for Angular7 unit test case

I want to unit test and get coverage for all code but i am not able to get coverage for …

angular unit-testing observable karma-jasmine subscriber
Angular 5 Subscribe not a function

Angular return a error : Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: res.users.subscribe is not a function. Since this morning, I …

angular observable httpclient subscribe
How to handle multiple action types in one epic? Any cons of doing the same?

Pretty new to redux-observables, rxjs and observables. Wanted to know how can I handle another action, say 'ActionTwo' in the …

redux observable rxjs5 redux-observable
Observable/Observer not working?

I tried implementing a static Observable in my Application subclass, but it's not working. No exceptions or error messages, but …

java android observer-pattern observable observers
Java 8: Observable List - Invalidation Listener nor Change Listener is called in case of property change

I build a custom property and add it to a observable list. But no listener is called if property content …

java properties javafx observable changelistener
Wrap an Observable. Do something before and after each emitted value

I'd like to build a wrapper class, that does something before and after each emitted value of an Observable. Here's …

typescript rxjs observable rxjs5 subject-observer
Loop array and return data for each id in Observable

Using RxJS v6 is challenging to retrieve data from sub collection for every item in the loop. There is no …

angular rxjs observable angular7 rxjs6
Events vs Streams vs Observables vs Async Iterators

Currently, the only stable way to process a series of async results in JavaScript is using the event system. However, …

stream iterator observable dom-events ecmascript-next
Angular http request observable error does not catch error?

Angular 6 using HttpClient. No interceptors implemented for now. I have an admin service where I'm doing a http call to …

angular rxjs observable angular-httpclient