Top "Observable" questions

An observable is typically a programming construct that can be "watched" by other parts of the code, called the "observers". Different frameworks and programming languages have different implementations for observables, so this tag should typically be used in conjunction with others.

Handle Network error with Retrofit observable

When using Observables with Retrofit how do you handle Network failure? Given this code: Observable<GetJobResponse> observable = api.…

android observable retrofit rx-java
Rxjs One Observable Feeding into Another

I have a rather clunky looking set of code where the data from one observable is feed into another, like …

rxjs observable
How to convert an Observable into a BehaviorSubject?

I'm trying to convert an Observable into a BehaviorSubject. Like this: a$ = new Observable() b$ = BehaviorSubject.create(new BehaviorSubject(123), a$) // 🔴 …

javascript typescript rxjs observable behaviorsubject
Angular 2 - Show loading-information when (observableData | async) is not yet resolved

just as the title says, I want to embrace the power of rxjs Observables. What I do now: // dataview.html &…

typescript angular rxjs observable
angular2: How to use observables to debounce window:resize

so i am trying to figure out a way to debouce window:resize events using observables, so some kind of …

angular observable
RxJS Map array to observable and back to plain object in array

I have an array of objects from which I need to pass each object separately into async method (process behind …

rxjs observable rxjs5 angular2-observables fork-join
How to only execute an Observable if term is not null/empty?

I have the following code inside my constructor: this.searchResults = this.searchTerm.valueChanges .debounceTime(500) .distinctUntilChanged() .switchMap(term => this.apiService.…

angular typescript rxjs observable rxjs5
RxJS: Observable.create() vs. Observable.from()

What's the difference between these two? return Observable.create(function(observer) { if (array)[]); else; observer.…

javascript rxjs observable rxjs5
Angular2 Observable BehaviorSubject service not working

I'm trying to create my own observable service but after i get the initial data from the service, any updates …

angular rxjs observable subject
Does Subject.complete() unsubscribe all listeners?

I build a simple confirmation dialog service (Angular 2) with this method: confirm(body?: string, title?: string): Subject<void> { …

angular rxjs observable