Top "Observable" questions

An observable is typically a programming construct that can be "watched" by other parts of the code, called the "observers". Different frameworks and programming languages have different implementations for observables, so this tag should typically be used in conjunction with others.

RxJs Observables nested subscriptions?

Whats the way to simplify something like the following code example? I can't find the right operator.. could anyone give …

rxjs observable subscribe
Type 'Observable<Object>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<IUser[]>'

In my Api service I have this simple getUsers function to fetch all of the users on the api. public …

javascript angular typescript interface observable
flatMap, mergeMap, switchMap and concatMap in rxjs?

Someone, please explain the difference between SwitchMap and FlatMap in terms of Javascript ( in angular perspective, rxjs 5) In my understanding. …

rxjs observable
RxJava introduced Single<T>. How do I convert an Observable<T> to a Single<T>?

RxJava recently introduced Single. Is there a way to convert an already existing Observable (that's pretty much a Single) to …

rx-java observable
How To Do Polling with Angular 2 Observables

Given the following code, how to I alter it to make the get request to "api/foobar" repeat every 500 milliseconds? …

angular observable polling
RxJava2 observable take throws UndeliverableException

As I understand RxJava2 values.take(1) creates another Observable that contains only one element from the original Observable. Which MUST …

java observable rx-java2 take
Merging http observables using forkjoin

I'm trying to avoid nested observables by using forkjoin. The current (nested) version looks like this: this.http.get('https://…

angular typescript ionic2 observable
iteration a json object on Ngfor in angular 2

I'm having trouble iteration a json object in the Ngfor, there is my template : template: <h1>Hey</…

json angular observable ngfor
How do you catch with a pipe?

How do I do the following with lettable operators and pipe? this.httpClient .get(url) .map((res: any) => { const …

angular rxjs observable rxjs-lettable-operators
Observable.forkJoin() doesn't execute

I have the following code: //Loop: For each user ID/Role ID, get the data userMeta.forEach((businessRole) => { Observable.…

angular rxjs observable rxjs5 angularfire2