Top "Observable" questions

An observable is typically a programming construct that can be "watched" by other parts of the code, called the "observers". Different frameworks and programming languages have different implementations for observables, so this tag should typically be used in conjunction with others.

Which browsers support Object.observe?

Which browsers, if any, support Object.observe? I'm surprised I'm unable to find any info on this. (And are you …

javascript browser observable object.observe
rxjava merge observables of different type

I'm new to rxjava. I need to combine two observables that emit objects of different type. Something like Observable<…

asynchronous observable rx-java rx-android
RxSwift How to use combineLatest?

I have defined: let currentHours:Variable<Float> = Variable(0.0) let currentRate:Variable<Float> = Variable(0.0) and I would …

ios swift reactive-programming observable
Implementing an ObservableValue

I have this object: public class Oggetto{ private int value; private boolean valid; public Oggetto(int value, boolean valid) { this.…

javafx listener observable changelistener
How to stop an interval on an Observable in RxJS

I have a specific situation where I'm using an RxJS interval, but at any given moment I may need to …

javascript rxjs observable rxjs5
Angular 2: why use switchMap when retrieving route params?

I'm reading the Angular Guide about Routing & Navigation. They use this code for retrieving the router's param 'id' and …

javascript angular rxjs observable
Angular 5 - equivalent to $interval from AngularJS

I'm trying to find the equivalent of the $interval from AngularJS into Angular 5. $interval will repeat a function call or …

angular rxjs observable delay repeat
tslint error Shadowed name: 'Observable'

I am getting the following error when running tslint that I wasn't getting before.. ERROR: C:/[27, 13]: …

angular typescript rxjs observable tslint
Angular 2 EventEmitter - Broadcasting next( ... ) from a Service function

To my understanding, the .toRx().subscribe( ... ) function is meant to RECEIVE messages and the .next() function is meant to BROADCAST …

angular observable eventemitter
Rxjs Subject next() after complete()

I have service which connects with Subject() to do paging. I'm using next(newData) to pass to subject, which keeps …

javascript rxjs observable observer-pattern rxjs5