Top "Changelistener" questions

A Listener object that reacts to a generic 'change' that occurs in the application

JTabbedPane ChangeListener

I need to detect when the selected tab changes, and get its index. The following code works, but it fires …

java swing jtabbedpane changelistener
JSpinner Value change Events

How to make the update immediately when the jSpinner value was changed. ChangeListener listener = new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent …

java swing event-handling jspinner changelistener
how can I get the value of a the selected item in a JSpinner?

I'm making an application that uses a JSpinner with a max number 30,I should choose a value from this JSpinner …

java swing jspinner changelistener
Implementing an ObservableValue

I have this object: public class Oggetto{ private int value; private boolean valid; public Oggetto(int value, boolean valid) { this.…

javafx listener observable changelistener
How do I write a new ListChangeListener<Item>() with lambda?

How do I write a new ListChangeListener() with lambda in java8? listItems.addListener(new ListChangeListener<Item>() { @Override public …

java lambda listener java-8 changelistener
JavaFX: Bind StringProperty with constant string prefix

I have a question to the bind functionality in JavaFX. What I want is to bind 2 string properties. But their …

properties javafx bind changelistener
RealmObject changeListener

I'm trying to understand notification types in Realm from the Notifications section in the official docs, and when I'm using …

android realm changelistener
Java 8: Observable List - Invalidation Listener nor Change Listener is called in case of property change

I build a custom property and add it to a observable list. But no listener is called if property content …

java properties javafx observable changelistener
using ChangeListener to fire changes in Java Swing?

I am implementing a word guessing game. The attached image gives an idea of what I am doing. My GamePane …

java swing actionlistener changelistener
Is it possible to make JToggle text depend on its state?

Is it possible for me to set the text on JToggle button to "ON" if it is selected and if …

java swing jtogglebutton itemlistener changelistener