how can I get the value of a the selected item in a JSpinner?

hanem picture hanem · Feb 21, 2012 · Viewed 49.8k times · Source

I'm making an application that uses a JSpinner with a max number 30,I should choose a value from this JSpinner and tape a String to the JTextField and the result will appear in the Textarea,when I compile I have many problems concerning the method jSpinner1State,can any one help me because I don't know where is my problem. This is my code of the method JSpinner:


    private void jSpinner1StateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) { 
    // TODO add your handling code here: 
    Object sp=jSpinner1.getValue();
    int i =Integer.parseInt(sp.toString() );
    String targetIP=jTextField1.getText();

    String   cmd = "tracert -h "+i+ "" +targetIP;                        
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    InputStream in = p.getInputStream();
    StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in);
    char[] buffer = new char[512];
    int nbRead =;
    while(nbRead > 0) {
    build.append(buffer, 0, nbRead);
    nbRead =;
    String response = build.toString(); 
    }catch(Exception e){
jTextArea1.append(e.toString()); }



Tony picture Tony · Feb 21, 2012

For one, it appears you have an infinite loop in your code. Inside your jSpinner1StateChanged function, you are calling jSpinner1StateChanged(evt), which will cause an infinite loop.

How are you creating your JSpinner? If you're using ints, then create it by using a SpinnerNumberModel. This will simplify your code when getting the current value out of the spinner.

jSpinner1 = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, 30, 1));
Integer currentValue = (Integer)jSpinner1.getValue();