Top "Jtogglebutton" questions

The JToggleButton represents button that can be toggled, similar to a check box.

Getting the state of JToggleButton

Say I have a JToggleButton but = new JToggleButton("OK") ; Now I need the state of but when it is clicked. …

java swing listeners jtogglebutton
Change state of toggle button from another button

I'm creating a Java GUI using Swing with Eclipse and Window Builder Pro. I'm using JButtons and JToggleButtons. I want …

java swing jbutton windowbuilder jtogglebutton
Changing the background color of a selected JToggleButton

I am trying to change the color of a JToggleButton when it has been selected in a reliable, look and …

java swing custom-component uimanager jtogglebutton
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable?

Given a JTable with a column of type Boolean.class, the default renderer is a JCheckBox. It's easy enough to …

java swing jtable jtableheader jtogglebutton
Is there a standard GUI toggle switch in Java?

Is there a standard implementation or library that provides a GUI toggle switch in Swing? I know Swing provides a …

java swing icons uiswitch jtogglebutton
Simple ActionListener within a 2D array of JButtons

Okay so I am making a 2d array of JToggleButtons. I got the action listener up and going, but I …

java swing actionlistener multidimensional-array jtogglebutton
set and disable icons of JToggleButton

hi there i am trying to make a matching memory game which i use JToggleButton. the main thing is when …

java swing user-interface jtogglebutton
Java Swing Making On/Off Button

I am trying to make an on/off button for my GUI project. I made a button, when I click …

java swing jtogglebutton
Is it possible to make JToggle text depend on its state?

Is it possible for me to set the text on JToggle button to "ON" if it is selected and if …

java swing jtogglebutton itemlistener changelistener