Top "Windowbuilder" questions

For questions about using WindowBuilder which is a Java GUI WYSIWYG visual designer plugin for Eclipse.

How to add text to JFrame?

So I am designing a JFrame using Eclipse WindowBuilder. This specific frame is an error message stating that the user …

java swing jframe windowbuilder
How to add row dynamically in JTable

I want to add the row dynamically in JTable and I have writen the following code for that: tblTaskList = new …

java swing jtable windowbuilder
Installing WindowBuilder on Eclipse 4.2

I'm using Eclipse Juno 4.2, downloaded from here. On previous installs, I've been using 3.7, and I've been using WindowBuilder, which I …

java eclipse plugins installation windowbuilder
Installing WindowBuilder on Eclipse Neon

I'm using Eclipse Neon, that I installed from Eclipse Installer.The problem is when I want to work with Swing, …

java eclipse windowbuilder
No suitable driver found (SQLite)

I hope someone can help me. I'm working on a simple application which connects with an SQLite database. Following is …

java eclipse sqlite windowbuilder
Moving from one frame to another in java swing

I'm just making a small application on window builder and need some help with it. I've made 2 frames individually and …

java swing jframe multiple-instances windowbuilder
Change state of toggle button from another button

I'm creating a Java GUI using Swing with Eclipse and Window Builder Pro. I'm using JButtons and JToggleButtons. I want …

java swing jbutton windowbuilder jtogglebutton
Some tutorials with Eclipse/WindowBuilder Pro

I am looking for tutorials about how to write a rcp program with window builder pro, any resources links, OK? …

eclipse-rcp windowbuilder
How to add tabs to JTabbedPane using WindowBuilder

Ok so I've recently found out about WindowBuilder (Eclipse IDE) that aids in faster creation of Swing applications. I have …

java eclipse swing jtabbedpane windowbuilder
Is WindowBuilder Pro already installed in Eclipse?

At this page:, there is no option to install WindowBuilder Pro to Eclipse Juno (4.2). …

java eclipse windowbuilder gui-designer