Top "Observable" questions

An observable is typically a programming construct that can be "watched" by other parts of the code, called the "observers". Different frameworks and programming languages have different implementations for observables, so this tag should typically be used in conjunction with others.

Subscribe to observable is returning undefined

So I am trying to subscribe to a simple service that return data from a local JSON file. I have …

javascript angular typescript observable angular2-services
RxJava Fetching Observables In Parallel

I need some help in implementing parallel asynchronous calls in RxJava. I have picked up a simple use case wherein …

java asynchronous reactive-programming observable rx-java
Android data binding : view does not update when property is changed

let me first start with showing the code: build.gradle (module): android { compileSdkVersion 24 buildToolsVersion "24.0.2" dataBinding { enabled = true } defaultConfig { applicationId "com.…

java android observable android-databinding
Knockout.JS: Triggers based on changes in an observable

I have an input element which is bound to a knockout observable: <input type="text" data-bind="value: myText, valueUpdate: …

triggers knockout.js observable
Angular - Make multiple HTTP calls sequentially

I need to make a function to make HTTP calls sequentially inorder to use response of one call into other …

angular typescript observable
Difference between .unsubscribe to .take(1)

I wonder, if there is any difference in performance between using .take(1) and .unsubscribe when unsubscribe is used right after …

rxjs observable rxjs5
Angular2 Observable Timer Condition

I have a timer: initiateTimer() { if (this.timerSub) this.destroyTimer(); let timer = TimerObservable.create(0, 1000); this.timerSub = timer.subscribe(t => { …

angular timer rxjs observable angular2-observables
Using Observable in Android

I want to implement a Navigation View with many fragments that depend totally on a value defined in the MainActivity. …

java android observable
Property '_body' does not exist on type 'Response'

I am using Angular 2 and getting this error when using an observable Property '_body' does not exist on type …

angular typescript observable
Use case of Observable .do() operator (rxjs)

 Context : I'm building an angular 2 app (with a Firebase API). I'm using the AngularFire module. I was wondering how I …

angular firebase rxjs observable angularfire2