Use this tag for questions related to an Observer for a Subject.
Under the subjects package you have classes like PublishSubject and BehaviorSubject which I suppose can be described as some usable …
java rx-java subject-observerI have the following BehaviorSubject in a service: isAuthenticated = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false); And I am using it …
angular rxjs subject-observerI have a list of songs setup with Subject and Observable (shown with | async in view), and now I want …
angular rxjs observable rxjs5 subject-observerI'm trying to pass data between course-detail component and course-play component. I used shared service and BehaviorSubject. The data is …
angular typescript behaviorsubject subject-observerI want to retrieve an updated object value (borrower) from an Angular Service. I've created an RxJS Subject in the …
angular rxjs subject-observerI'd like to build a wrapper class, that does something before and after each emitted value of an Observable. Here's …
typescript rxjs observable rxjs5 subject-observerI have an angular project with a service called BookService. private books: Subject<Book[]>; getBookList(skip:number = 0,limit:…
angular angular6 subject-observerI have implemented a simple BehaviorSubject, import {BehaviorSubject} from "rxjs"; class MyWeirdoClass { constructor() {} private st: Subject<boolean> = new …
javascript angular rxjs behaviorsubject subject-observerSo recently i've learnt about Subjects, and i'm trying to use them in a personal project. I have a service …
javascript angular rxjs observable subject-observerI am trying to test a Subject change in my component, but the coverage never enters into the subscribe function. …
angular unit-testing karma-jasmine observable subject-observer