Top "Nuget-package" questions

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

Nuget: Change package directory path and name

Is it possible to change the name and the path of the created nuget package directory? My current folder structure …

nuget nuget-package directory-structure
What are .NET Platform Extensions on

There is a framework-level navigation element at Microsoft Docs called ".NET Platform Extensions". It contains docs on recently added APIs …

.net .net-core nuget nuget-package .net-standard
How to automatically update NuGet packages to latest available version

I have two repositories, and I need compiled libraries from one repository in the other. I don't want to manually …

continuous-integration nuget nuget-package
How do you include Xml Docs for a class library in a NuGet package?

I am creating a NuGet package for a C# class library, and I would like to include generated Xml Documentation …

c# nuget nuget-package
Source file in CSC cannot be found

After a struggle with creating a database (first with an entity framework, after without), we have a database (and an …

c# nuget-package csc
Nuget Package ... does not exist in project ... Package ... Already exists in folder

I've been fighting with this error for several hours and can't come up with a solution that works. I have …

c# nuget nuget-package
How do you list ALL packages in Nuget

Is there a way to list all packages available through the NuGet command line interface. When I use the following …

nuget nuget-package
The "SlowCheetah.Xdt.TransformXml" task could not be loaded from the assembly

After installing Slow Cheeath (v. to two projects in my solution, I am receiving the following error: "The "SlowCheetah.Xdt.…

visual-studio-2012 dependencies nuget-package assembly-resolution slowcheetah
Manage Nuget Package in VS 2015 grey out

I want to use Nuget to download a package VS 2015 for Node.js project, however, it is grey out as …

node.js visual-studio-2015 nuget nuget-package
how to get all nuget dependencies for offline installation

I two computers, one with internet connection and the other one without. I want to install a Nuget package (Nuget.…

nuget nuget-package nuget-server