Top "Nuget-package" questions

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

How to connect to MySQL Database?

New to C# programming, I'd like to be able to access MySQL Databases. I know MySQL connector/NET and MySQL …

c# mysql nuget-package mysql-connector
How can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?

I can clear my development computer's NuGet package cache using Visual Studio menu Tools → Options → NuGet Package Manager → General: Clear …

nuget nuget-package
How can I install an older version of a package via NuGet?

I want to install an older version of a package (Newtonsoft.Json). But NuGet rolls back: PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.…

nuget nuget-package
Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

How can I install a Nuget Package in Visual Studio Code? I know in Visual Studio, we can do this …

visual-studio-code nuget-package
Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

I have the following convention for most of my projects: /src /Solution.sln /SolutionFolder /Project1 /Project2 /etc.. /lib /Moq moq.…

.net visual-studio nuget nuget-package
'nuget' is not recognized but other nuget commands working

I am trying to create a nuget package using…

visual-studio nuget-package
Can't install nuget package because of "Failed to initialize the PowerShell host"

All of a sudden, I am getting this error when upgrading Nuget packages. None of the fixes that I have …

powershell visual-studio-2013 nuget powershell-2.0 nuget-package
Setting up a common nuget packages folder for all solutions when some projects are included in multiple solutions

I have been using NuGet to retrieve packages from external and internal package sources, which is very convenient. But I …

nuget nuget-package solution
Could not install package '--'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5'

I created this package, I need it in a project but couldn't install it, this error appears: Could not install …

nuget nuget-package nuget-spec
Package requires NuGet client version '2.12'

I am trying to install 'WindowsAzure.Storage 8.0.1' in visual studio 2012, but getting the error package requires NuGet client version …

c# .net visual-studio visual-studio-2012 nuget-package