Top "Nuget-package" questions

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

How Can I "Update-Package" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?

I have a version of a package installed in my project but during testing I have found a problem with …

powershell console nuget nuget-package
NuGet scripts to different directory

Nuget packages download Javascript files to ~/Scripts I prefer to keep my content organized in a ~/content folder, which contains ~/…

nuget nuget-package
Nuget package generation Exclude lib folder

I am trying to generate nuget package with .nuspec file. We have several projects under one roof and trying to …

c# .net visual-studio-2012 nuget nuget-package
NuSpec version attribute vs assembly version

When creating a nuget package, the version in the file name of the nuget package seems to come from the …

nuget nuget-package
How to add an icon to a nuget package?

We are hosting our own nuget server through Teamcity. Is there any other way to add an icon to a .…

teamcity nuget-package
Nuget cannot restore Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0

I am trying to install/restrore Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0 in VS 2017 using Nuget Package Manager. In the output it shows …

visual-studio-2017 nuget nuget-package .net-standard nuget-package-restore
NuGet packages not restore in visual studio 2017

I have Asp.netCore solution which was working fine on Visual Studio 2015 and then i moved to Visual Studio 2017. Now …

visual-studio-2017 nuget-package nuget-package-restore
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly Log4net

I added an existing project to my solution. When I run all unit tests with MSTest runner, I get the …

c# log4net nuget-package fileloadexception fuslogvw
Version conflict detected for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common. Reference the package directly from the project to resolve this issue

I want to add the FluentValidation Nuget package in my core app through Nuget Package Manager.While adding … nuget-package fluentvalidation
CMake and MsVS-NuGet

I'm currently developing a desktop application, using the C++ REST SDK (codename Casablanca), Qt5 and some other libraries. For the …

c++ visual-studio-2012 cmake nuget-package