Top "Nuget-package" questions

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

NuGet and multiple solutions

We have two solutions: foo.sln and bar.sln I have a common library that is used by both foo …

projects-and-solutions nuget nuget-package
What is the EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports target?

In some of my csproj files I have this but some dont: <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild"> <…

visual-studio visual-studio-2013 nuget nuget-package nuget-package-restore
System.Web.Http reference defaults to 4.0 version no matter how I try

I am using the BreezeApi NuGet package in my project. It is in Visual Studio 2013. I get this error. Error 41 …

c# visual-studio dll breeze nuget-package
NuGet Package Dependencies

Is it true that for every dependency that a package has on some other library, that those libraries need to …

nuget nuget-package nuget-server
Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) does not add extra encoding providers

I am developing a netcoreapp2.0 console application and I need access to the whole encoding package from .NET. I have …

c# encoding .net-core nuget-package codepages
How can 'nuget restore' download pre-release packages?

We are faced with an issue in our build environment where we would like for our continuous integration builds to …

c# nuget build-process nuget-package nuget-package-restore
package.config update does not update the references

I have multiple projects referencing the same NuGet Package. When I got latest code, I realized that one of the …

c# dll nuget nuget-package nuget-package-restore
The 'Visual Studio Explorers and Designer Package' package did not load correctly

Every time I open solution in Visual Studio 2015 I get following message: Here are last entries from ActivityLog.xml: <…

visual-studio visual-studio-2015 nuget nuget-package
Where should I put the nuspec file

I've searched the entire stackoverflow community but I couldn't find an answer for this... I have a .nuspec file and …

nuget-package nuspec nuget-spec
Install-Package : The remote name could not be resolved: ''

For no reason, I have been getting this error message for a week or so; PM> Install-Package Elmah Install-Package : …

.net visual-studio-2010 nuget nuget-package visual-studio-extensions