Top "Nuget-server" questions

Hosted or on-premise NuGet package repositories based on the open-source NuGet Gallery or NuGet.

Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package

We are using the improved Automatic Package Restore process to restore missing NuGet packages. When building, the Restore dialog pops …

visual-studio-2013 nuget nuget-package nuget-server nuget-package-restore
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.--- NuGet

Whilst trying to restore nuget packages I am getting the following:- Error 1 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected …

visual-studio nuget nuget-server
Configuring NuGet server to use Authentication

The release notes for NuGet 1.5 state NuGet now supports connecting to private repositories that require basic or NTLM authentication. However, …

authentication iis nuget ntlm nuget-server
how to get all nuget dependencies for offline installation

I two computers, one with internet connection and the other one without. I want to install a Nuget package (Nuget.…

nuget nuget-package nuget-server
How to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?

Does anyone know to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?

teamcity nuget nuget-package nuget-server teamcity-7.0
405 Method Not Allowed in NuGet Push

My NuGet server is throwing a 405 Not Allowed when I try to make a push. At least, thats what NuGet …

push nuget nuget-server
How to configure where NuGet.exe Command Tool line looks for packages

We have successfully set up a couple of local package repositories using the NuGet.Server package and hosted them on …

continuous-integration nuget nuget-package nuget-server
How should I tell TeamCity's NuGet Installer build step to use both and the TeamCity provided packages source?

I'm having trouble with my NuGet Installer build step. We're using both official packages and our own packages …

teamcity nuget nuget-server
Pushing to private nuget feed Prompts for Credentials

I have set up a private nuget feed using a empty web application and the nuget server package. It is …

nuget nuget-server
NuGet Package Dependencies

Is it true that for every dependency that a package has on some other library, that those libraries need to …

nuget nuget-package nuget-server