I'm having trouble with my NuGet Installer build step.
We're using both official NuGet.org packages and our own packages hosted on the TeamCity NuGet server. If I leave Packages Sources blank, then packages from nuget.org are found, but as soon as I specify %teamcity.nuget.feed.server%
as the package source, then packages from nuget.org are not found.
I tried setting Packages Sources to include both, but it still isn't working for official nuget.org packages.
Is that not the right URL for the nuget.org package source? How do I tell it to use both sources?
I asked this on the JetBrains Developer discussion board, but haven't gotten any responses.
Had same problem, funny enough my Nuget sources were specified as
Adding a forward slash on the second url to make it http://mynugetserver/nuget/
fixed the problem.
Took me a while to figure out. Now my Nuget-installer build step is running fine.