NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.
I have a .net solution (say A) with multiple projects(say B,C,D). I want to update all nuget …
.net nuget nuget-packageHow it's possible that NuGet's Install-Package fails with Unable to find version 'x' of package 'y' when that exact version …
c# nuget nuget-package nuget-package-restoreI have made a NuGet package that works well when I use it from a C# project. It contains a …
.net dll c++-cli nuget nuget-packageI have a .nuspec file for my project, which references a third-party DLL that the project including my package needs …
nuget nuget-packageI'm using Octopack / Nuspec file to build my nuget package. I would like to exclude certain folders which exist in …
nuget nuget-package octopus-deployWe are currently building a solution with several projects. We have something like this: - Common - Logging - Logging.…
c# .net dependencies nuget nuget-packageI'm trying to upgrade a .net core 2.1 project to the latest version of Nuget packages such as Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.…
sdk .net-core nuget updates nuget-packageHow can I download NuGet Packages outside of visual studio? so it can be used to create offline packages.
nuget nuget-package repositoryIf a library (eg, on github) doesn't distribute itself via a nuget package, I'd have to manually include it as … .net nuget-packageI am new to Automapper. I have added Nuget package - Automapper into my Manager (BLL) and DAL layer. Now, …
entity-framework-6 nuget-package automapper-3