Top "Neural-network" questions

Network structure inspired by simplified models of biological neurons (brain cells).

Common causes of nans during training

I've noticed that a frequent occurrence during training is NANs being introduced. Often times it seems to be introduced by …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning caffe gradient-descent
How does the Flatten layer work in Keras?

I am using the TensorFlow backend. I am applying a convolution, max-pooling, flatten and a dense layer sequentially. The convolution …

tensorflow neural-network keras keras-layer
How to count total number of trainable parameters in a tensorflow model?

Is there a function call or another way to count the total number of parameters in a tensorflow model? By …

neural-network tensorflow
What's the difference between convolutional and recurrent neural networks?

I'm new to the topic of neural networks. I came across the two terms convolutional neural network and recurrent neural …

neural-network difference recurrent-neural-network
How to convert the output of an artificial neural network into probabilities?

I've read about neural network a little while ago and I understand how an ANN (especially a multilayer perceptron that …

artificial-intelligence neural-network
Difference between and np.multiply with np.sum in binary cross-entropy loss calculation

I have tried the following code but didn't find the difference between and np.multiply with np.sum …

python numpy neural-network sum difference
Keras - Difference between categorical_accuracy and sparse_categorical_accuracy

What is the difference between categorical_accuracy and sparse_categorical_accuracy in Keras? There is no hint in the documentation …

python keras deep-learning neural-network classification
What is num_units in tensorflow BasicLSTMCell?

In MNIST LSTM examples, I don't understand what "hidden layer" means. Is it the imaginary-layer formed when you represent an …

tensorflow neural-network lstm recurrent-neural-network