Top "Neural-network" questions

Network structure inspired by simplified models of biological neurons (brain cells).

How to fix RuntimeError "Expected object of scalar type Float but got scalar type Double for argument"?

I'm trying to train a classifier via PyTorch. However, I am experiencing problems with training when I feed the model …

python neural-network deep-learning classification pytorch
Python scikit learn MLPClassifier "hidden_layer_sizes"

I am lost in the scikit learn 0.18 user manual (…

python python-2.7 scikit-learn neural-network
How to update the bias in neural network backpropagation?

Could someone please explain to me how to update the bias throughout backpropagation? I've read quite a few books, but …

math machine-learning artificial-intelligence neural-network
What's the difference between sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

I recently came across tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and I can not figure out what the …

neural-network tensorflow softmax cross-entropy
PyTorch - contiguous()

I was going through this example of a LSTM language model on github (link). What it does in general is …

neural-network deep-learning lstm pytorch contiguous
gensim word2vec: Find number of words in vocabulary

After training a word2vec model using python gensim, how do you find the number of words in the model's …

python neural-network nlp gensim word2vec
TypeError: can’t convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first

I am using a modified for testing a pruned SqueezeNet Model [phung@archlinux SqueezeNet-Pruning]$ python --image 3_100.…

numpy neural-network pytorch pruning
Meaning of an Epoch in Neural Networks Training

while I'm reading in how to build ANN in pybrain, they say: Train the network for some epochs. Usually you …

machine-learning artificial-intelligence neural-network pybrain
Layer called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor keras

I'm trying to pass the output of one layer into two different layers and then join them back together. However, …

python neural-network keras recurrent-neural-network
Neural network always predicts the same class

I'm trying to implement a neural network that classifies images into one of the two discrete categories. The problem is, …

python-3.x numpy neural-network deep-learning gradient-descent