I'm trying to implement a neural network that classifies images into one of the two discrete categories. The problem is, however, that it currently always predicts 0 for any input and I'm not really sure why.
Here's my feature extraction method:
def extract(file):
# Resize and subtract mean pixel
img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread(file), (224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
img[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
img[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
img[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
# Normalize features
img = (img.flatten() - np.mean(img)) / np.std(img)
return np.array([img])
Here's my gradient descent routine:
def fit(x, y, t1, t2):
"""Training routine"""
ils = x.shape[1] if len(x.shape) > 1 else 1
labels = len(set(y))
if t1 is None or t2 is None:
t1 = randweights(ils, 10)
t2 = randweights(10, labels)
params = np.concatenate([t1.reshape(-1), t2.reshape(-1)])
res = grad(params, ils, 10, labels, x, y)
params -= 0.1 * res
return unpack(params, ils, 10, labels)
Here are my forward and back(gradient) propagations:
def forward(x, theta1, theta2):
"""Forward propagation"""
m = x.shape[0]
# Forward prop
a1 = np.vstack((np.ones([1, m]), x.T))
z2 = np.dot(theta1, a1)
a2 = np.vstack((np.ones([1, m]), sigmoid(z2)))
a3 = sigmoid(np.dot(theta2, a2))
return (a1, a2, a3, z2, m)
def grad(params, ils, hls, labels, x, Y, lmbda=0.01):
"""Compute gradient for hypothesis Theta"""
theta1, theta2 = unpack(params, ils, hls, labels)
a1, a2, a3, z2, m = forward(x, theta1, theta2)
d3 = a3 - Y.T
print('Current error: {}'.format(np.mean(np.abs(d3))))
d2 = np.dot(theta2.T, d3) * (np.vstack([np.ones([1, m]), sigmoid_prime(z2)]))
d3 = d3.T
d2 = d2[1:, :].T
t1_grad = np.dot(d2.T, a1.T)
t2_grad = np.dot(d3.T, a2.T)
theta1[0] = np.zeros([1, theta1.shape[1]])
theta2[0] = np.zeros([1, theta2.shape[1]])
t1_grad = t1_grad + (lmbda / m) * theta1
t2_grad = t2_grad + (lmbda / m) * theta2
return np.concatenate([t1_grad.reshape(-1), t2_grad.reshape(-1)])
And here's my prediction function:
def predict(theta1, theta2, x):
"""Predict output using learned weights"""
m = x.shape[0]
h1 = sigmoid(np.hstack((np.ones([m, 1]), x)).dot(theta1.T))
h2 = sigmoid(np.hstack((np.ones([m, 1]), h1)).dot(theta2.T))
return h2.argmax(axis=1)
I can see that the error rate is gradually decreasing with each iteration, generally converging somewhere around 1.26e-05.
What I've tried so far:
Edit: An average output of h2 looks like the following:
[0.5004899 0.45264441]
[0.50048522 0.47439413]
[0.50049019 0.46557124]
[0.50049261 0.45297816]
So, very similar sigmoid outputs for all validation examples.
My network does always predict the same class. What is the problem?
I had this a couple of times. Although I'm currently too lazy to go through your code, I think I can give some general hints which might also help others who have the same symptom but probably different underlying problems.
For every class i the network should be able to predict, try the following:
If this doesn't work, there are four possible error sources:
but actually is an integer.See sklearn for details.
The idea is to start with a tiny training dataset (probably only one item). Then the model should be able to fit the data perfectly. If this works, you make a slightly larger dataset. Your training error should slightly go up at some point. This reveals your models capacity to model the data.
Check how often the other class(es) appear. If one class dominates the others (e.g. one class is 99.9% of the data), this is a problem. Look for "outlier detection" techniques.
is often used / working. This is also relevant if you use Adam as an optimizer.This is inspired by reddit: