Top "Cross-entropy" questions

In machine learning and information theory, the cross entropy is a measure of distance (inverse similarity) between two probability distributions over the same underlying set of events.

What is the meaning of the word logits in TensorFlow?

In the following TensorFlow function, we must feed the activation of artificial neurons in the final layer. That I understand. …

tensorflow machine-learning neural-network deep-learning cross-entropy
What's the difference between sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

I recently came across tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and I can not figure out what the …

neural-network tensorflow softmax cross-entropy
python - invalid value encountered in log

I have the following expression: log = np.sum(np.nan_to_num(-y*np.log(a+ 1e-7)-(1-y)*np.…

python numpy math cross-entropy
What is cross-entropy?

I know that there are a lot of explanations of what cross-entropy is, but I'm still confused. Is it only …

machine-learning cross-entropy
How to choose cross-entropy loss in TensorFlow?

Classification problems, such as logistic regression or multinomial logistic regression, optimize a cross-entropy loss. Normally, the cross-entropy layer follows the …

python tensorflow neural-network logistic-regression cross-entropy
What is the problem with my implementation of the cross-entropy function?

I am learning the neural network and I want to write a function cross_entropy in python. Where it is …

python machine-learning neural-network cross-entropy
In which cases is the cross-entropy preferred over the mean squared error?

Although both of the above methods provide a better score for the better closeness of prediction, still cross-entropy is preferred. …

machine-learning neural-network backpropagation mean-square-error cross-entropy
What is the difference between a sigmoid followed by the cross entropy and sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits in TensorFlow?

When trying to get cross-entropy with sigmoid activation function, there is a difference between loss1 = -tf.reduce_sum(p*tf.…

machine-learning tensorflow classification cross-entropy sigmoid
Calculating Cross Entropy in TensorFlow

I am having a hard time with calculating cross entropy in tensorflow. In particular, I am using the function: tf.…

python machine-learning tensorflow cross-entropy
Possible explanations for loss increasing?

I've got a 40k image dataset of images from four different countries. The images contain diverse subjects: outdoor scenes, city …

tensorflow deep-learning convolution tensorboard cross-entropy