Top "Softmax" questions

Use this tag for programming-related questions about the softmax function, also known as the normalized exponential function.

How to implement the Softmax function in Python

From the Udacity's deep learning class, the softmax of y_i is simply the exponential divided by the sum of …

python numpy machine-learning logistic-regression softmax
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater

I tried to implement soft-max with the following code (out_vec is a numpy vector of floats): numerator = np.exp(…

python numpy softmax
What's the difference between sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

I recently came across tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and I can not figure out what the …

neural-network tensorflow softmax cross-entropy
Why use softmax as opposed to standard normalization?

In the output layer of a neural network, it is typical to use the softmax function to approximate a probability …

math neural-network softmax
numpy : calculate the derivative of the softmax function

I am trying to understand backpropagation in a simple 3 layered neural network with MNIST. There is the input layer with …

python numpy neural-network backpropagation softmax
CS231n: How to calculate gradient for Softmax loss function?

I am watching some videos for Stanford CS231: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition but do not quite understand how …

python numpy softmax
Numercially stable softmax

Is there a numerically stable way to compute softmax function below? I am getting values that becomes Nans in Neural …

python numpy nan scientific-computing softmax
Binary classification with Softmax

I am training a binary classifier using Sigmoid activation function with Binary crossentropy which gives good accuracy around 98%. The same …

binary classification keras softmax sigmoid
How to implement the Softmax derivative independently from any loss function?

For a neural networks library I implemented some activation functions and loss functions and their derivatives. They can be combined …

neural-network regression backpropagation derivative softmax
Difference between logistic regression and softmax regression

I know that logistic regression is for binary classification and softmax regression for multi-class problem. Would it be any differences …

algorithm machine-learning classification logistic-regression softmax