Top "Softmax" questions

Use this tag for programming-related questions about the softmax function, also known as the normalized exponential function.

How is the categorical_crossentropy implemented in keras?

I'm trying to apply the concept of distillation, basically to train a new smaller network to do the same as …

python tensorflow keras softmax loss-function
TypeError: softmax() got an unexpected keyword argument 'axis'

When I use this it does not give any error out_layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_4 , weights['out']) , biases[…

python-2.7 keras softmax
Implementation of a softmax activation function for neural networks

I am using a Softmax activation function in the last layer of a neural network. But I have problems with …

c++ math neural-network softmax
About tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2

I have noticed that tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(labels, logits) mainly performs 3 operations: Apply softmax to …

python tensorflow machine-learning softmax cross-entropy
Keras softmax activation, category_crossentropy loss. But output is not 0, 1

I trained CNN model for just one epoch with very little data. I use Keras 2.05. Here is the CNN model's (…

keras softmax
Neural Network with softmax activation

edit: A more pointed question: What is the derivative of softmax to be used in my gradient descent? This is …

matlab machine-learning neural-network softmax
PyTorch softmax with dim

Which dimension should softmax be applied to ? This code : %reset -f import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np …

python deep-learning pytorch softmax
Derivative of a softmax function explanation

I am trying to compute the derivative of the activation function for softmax. I found this :…

neural-network derivative calculus softmax
Why use softmax only in the output layer and not in hidden layers?

Most examples of neural networks for classification tasks I've seen use the a softmax layer as output activation function. Normally, …

machine-learning neural-network classification softmax activation-function
How to change the temperature of a softmax output in Keras

I am currently trying to reproduce the results of the following article. I am using …

python neural-network theano keras softmax